3 min read
Libido Problems in Marriage
In previous articles I have discussed sex life related topics for single members as an effort to help everyone in preparation for their...

2 min read
Picking Well
Over the years I’ve noticed that there are 2 simple and basic requirements to a successful relationship. The first requirement is to pick...

2 min read
Applying the 7 Habits to Relationships
A landmark self-help book by renown BYU professor Stephen Covey is the classic work: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Regularly...

1 min read
New Research
A really unique study came out a few weeks ago. It is a longitudinal study (meaning data gathered for a long time) that used machine...

2 min read
Positive Role Models
One of the biggest challenges for relationships today is the lack of positive marriage and relationship role models. Too often we see...

2 min read
Handling Rejection
One of the hardest aspects of the dating world is when you face rejection: someone deciding they are not interested in and do not want to...