2 min read
The Main Thing Women Want
In one of my first articles for LDS Dimension/LDS Dating, I wrote an article titled, “What Women Want." This information and these ideas...

2 min read
Choosing to Not Be Offended?
Some words that ruffled more than a few feathers among church members came from the October 2006 general conference talk entitled, “And...

2 min read
Don’t Be a Downer
In the early 2000s, Saturday Night Live ran a sketch starring Rachel Dratch as “Debbie Downer”. Each sketch basically had the same...

2 min read
Overcoming Selfishness
To be “selfish” is to be overly focused on one’s own wants, needs, feelings, and desires, regardless of how such actions or attitudes may...

2 min read
Temptations to Warn Others
Some people have an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife that was very troublesome in their past relationship together. Perhaps they were...

2 min read
Social Anxiety: A Problem to Manage
Social anxiety is a common and troubling challenge among most people, especially single members of the Church of Jesus Christ of...

1 min read
Being Less Socially Awkward
Being socially awkward is a common problem for singles, including single members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. What...

2 min read
Being Approachable
A lot of times, people in the singles/dating world get frustrated with a number of common issues and challenges. One of the more common...

2 min read
Mean Girls
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, there shouldn’t be a need for an article on “mean girls”, right?...
1 min read
When Good People Become Jerks
I don't think that people get into relationships intending to hurt others. I also don't think that most people are jerks as a general...